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Reflecting on the 2024 election, I’m reminded of a lesson I learned in 2016 on Election Day. 

At the time, I served as Vice President for Leadership Bartholomew County (LBC). That day, I planned to sit out the vote, frustrated by the choices on the ballot.

But something happened that changed my perspective. 

Former Congressman Lee Hamilton spoke to our LBC class about civility and our responsibility to shape the future. 

He challenged us to move beyond the sidelines and take an active role in making progress on problems. 

Hearing him speak, I realized that my role couldn’t just be one fleeting moment of voting every four years. It had to be about engaging and doing my part consistently, not just “doing something about it” on one day and then complaining the other 1,459.

Hamilton’s words got me to the voting booth that day. 

More importantly, they inspired me to unite people to work for the common good, which Hamilton described as “real political skill.”

I encourage you to carry that spirit forward as we move forward after this election. 

Our contribution doesn’t end at the ballot box. 

Change comes from everyday actions, showing up, speaking up, and working together toward solutions.

Let’s honor our past and future by stepping up, getting involved, and making a real difference. 

Progress is made by those who keep showing up and believe that every day of those 1,460 days matters.


Ant is the architect of the ACCESS Framework, teaching high achievers how to transform their success into significance. He’s a seven-time speaking champion, TEDx speaker, and trusted advisor to founders and CEOs worldwide. His message of access and transformation has reached over 100,000 viewers, inspiring a movement of leaders who understand that true liberation comes through gaining and sharing access – not excess.